Friday, September 25, 2009


I remember as a kid looking at the clouds and imagining, and seeing other objects/characters and so on. Right before I left Michigan I remember driving home from Grand Rapids and thinking we must of been very creative as kids to be able to see objects and imagining them being dogs, or cats, or cartoons, but now that I have been down here the clouds are so different then what they are in Michigan. Looking at them now here I let the creative juices flow and try to see other objects. The clouds here are amazing and I think I could spend an entire day watching them roll in.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Our Little Owl Friend

So this guy comes and sits at on this post in front of out house almost every night not sure what he does but he swoops down and eats somthing on the grass not sure if they are frogs or worms or what but its pretty neat none the less

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My little friend

This is in a 1 gallon paint can, and the coin is a little larger than a quarte
I caught my first tarantula! I guess this is considered a little guy around here